Saturday 26 July 2008

Declttering Feels Good

I am very proud of myself. I recently moved to a new bigger flat which is great as I am possibly one of the biggest hoarders in the world. Easy then just to move stuff over. But no, I decided to use the opportunity to have a serious clear out. Result 16 bin bags of clothes to the recycling point, 6 boxes of books, 3 boxes of DVDs, 3 bin bags of clothes, shoes, handbags and other paraphanalia for the car boot sale (when I can get up that early). For sometime now my wardrobes have merely been there to store boxes of stuff and I thought it would be nice to use them for clothes at the new place.

I've decluttered in the past but in a very wishy washy way, but this time I was ruthless. Nothing was safe, not even all the press cuttings, magazines etc about Richard Armitage and Robin Hood of which there were TWO boxes full, and so heavy I had problems lifting them. They have gone on EBay for some appreciative fan to enjoy. I thought long and hard, but then again they had been in the wardrobe in boxes, not being looked at so were added to the list of things to go.

Result is that I am not struggling for storage space. I no longer have to spend time looking at boxes and wondering what the hell is in them and my clothes are nicely arranged in my wardrobes, not just in piles everywhere. Plus my lovely new flat is clutter free.

Now all I need is a nearby car boot sale and an early start!

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