Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Much squeeing in the land of Armitageshire

After yesterday's confirmation that Richard Armitage is taking the lead role in Spooks. You would have thought his fans would have squeeed themselves out by now. Just as we were coming back down to earth, and realising that a day of excitement meant we hadn't got anything done, like jobs, housework, feeding the cat/dog/rabbit/husband, news came in from a very lucky lady who had woken up to discover Richard filming Spooks at the bottom of her street.

She got a chance to chat to Richard and also take photos. One very lucky lady. It made her late to work, but hey its a much better excuse than public transport problems or simply oversleeping. Who would think of such mundane things like work at a time like that.

She's very kindly allowed the photos to be published on The Armitage Army Forum. You have to join to view, but let me tell you its well worth it. Richard looks gorgeous as ever, and I for one am impressed that she managed to keep the camera steady enough.

Eli ponders if she will ever get anyhting as exciting as RA filming at the bottom of her street instead of gangs of 12 year olds trying to chat you up or asking you for cigarettes.

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